August In a Review

August is coming to an end. And so September is about come.

Some weeks back, Mum called me for help with her living room new light bulb that couldn't light up. Iris and I went on a Sunday after church and found out that the new bulb could not light up for any reason, though it is likely that the transformer had given up.

That was when it dawned on me that my parents' television had shrunk from the old 24-25" to even something smaller. For my parents who had embraced simple living and thriftiness throughout their entire lives, I was only hoping that I could enhance their lives a little. Buying a bigger television so they won't have to strain their eyes could help a little. And so I did.

Iris and I bought a new 40" Philips TV for them on a Sunday afternoon after church. We set it up for them, and went had lunch with Dad who was slightly down with a cough. Never mind that the previous day, we had a unpleasant encounter at Little India while trying to shop for a new television. Oh well, a parallel parking lot had a trolley, and while trying to park into it the trolley rolled back and dented the right passenger door.

Last Saturday we had a full day too. We went for a fertility talk at KK Women's and Children's Hospital before I had my first facial with Iris at Punggol Waterway Point.

Somehow I had trouble falling asleep almost every weekday night the entire week. It was budget preparation week for almost the entire week and they kept us up on Friday evening to standby for any changes to the submitted budget. Oh, and I did mentioned that they confirmed me after 8 months of probation?

So much for August. September is coming.

And that means Iris' birthday is coming.